2025 IN-PERSON Registration Events:
Thursday, April 24th (5:00-8:00 PM) @ Wild Ride Brewery – Pint Night & PST Registration
Saturday, May 17th (12:00-2:00 PM) @ Prineville Pool
Important Information for the 2025 Swim Season….
- Want to know how you can help support the swim team? Come down to Wild Ride on Thursday, April 24th and enjoy a pint! Wild Ride Brewery will donate $1 for each pint sold!
- ONLINE Registration Begins March 1st!
- If you’re a returning swimmer, you can fill out the PST Registration Form and email directly to prinevilleswimteam@gmail.com
- You can also pay your registration fee online by clicking one of the PST Registration Fee buttons above
- Please Note: You MUST enter your swimmers name in the Memo section of the payment screen
- Because USA Swimming implemented a NEW process in 2023 for registering our seasonal swimmers, Parents are responsible for completing the registrion process with USA Swimming directly. This is required and must be completed prior to your swimmer getting in the water! Please be sure to read the instructions here.
- Note: USA Swimming is NOT accepting seasonal registration until April 5th however you can still complete the PST Registration online
- If you have any questions, please reach out to us via email prinevilleswimteam@gmail.com or attend one of our in-person registration events
- You can also pay your registration fee online by clicking one of the PST Registration Fee buttons above
- Swim Team Practice is tenatively scheduled to start on Monday, May 19th (weather permitting).
- All swim practices will take place in the afternoons until school is out for the summer, then morning practices will begin (Practice times to be announced)
- There will be a parent meeting on Monday, June 2nd. We will discuss details about the home swim meet and will be looking for volunteers to help run the meet.
Parent Information
- Ages 5 through 18 are eligible to join PST. After a two week trial period, swimmers must be able to swim the width of the pool or the coaches will notify the parent/guardian if the swimmer needs further swimming lessons prior to joining PST. Additional questions should be directed to the PST Board Members.
- Practices are held Monday through Friday (times vary by skill level). You will be notified of specific practice times within the first two weeks of the season. Swim practice usually starts mid-late May.
- Swim Fees: $300 for the season per swimmer. Families with more than one swimmer will receive a $25 discount for each additional child. Very young swimmers may be allowed to swim for $200 at the coach’s discretion (Discounts not available for young swimmers). Fees will cover the following: PST Registration, Oregon Swim dues, Monthly dues, Splash fees for all scheduled meets (below) & Team Swimsuits. Fees can be paid as one lump sum or in three equal payments. Registration fees must be paid in full by June 1st in order for the swimmer to participate in our home meet. Payment arrangements must be set up with the PST board prior to the season beginning.
- Scholarships may be available through the board. (Limit one per family).
- REGISTRATION FORM must be complete for each swimmer.
2025 TENATIVE Swim Meet Schedule
- PST – Prineville Invitational: June 20th – 22nd
- Lakeview Lions Invitational: June 27th – 29th
- Pendleton Open: July 4th – 6th
- Lincoln City – PST Dual: July 12th (not confirmed)
- Burns Hi-Desert Invitational: July 18th – 20th
- East Cascade District Finals – (Prineville): July 25th – 27th
Things to Take to a Swim Meet
- Team suit, goggles, cap (if needed) team sweatshirt.
- List of races entered
- Towels and sandals
- Sleeping bag, blankets, sweats or cover up for cold times
- Sunscreen and hat for hot times
- Lunch or spending money
- Snacks (granola, fruit, juices, cheese), lunch cooler
- Concession stands are usually available
- Overnight needs depending on accommodations
- Please label everything you bring to the swim meets, home or away! We are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Swim Meet Information
- All teams in the Cascade East District attend and help at all the meets. Parents from all teams will be asked to assist with timing. Most of the meets we attend are invitational meets where the host team invites those teams they want to participate. Meets run from Friday night through Sunday afternoon. We encourage all swimmers to attend all meets, but swimmers are only required to swim in one meet within the Cascade East District to qualify to swim at the finals.
- Swimmers can swim up to 6 individual events per meet plus relays.
- Age groups: In most cases, the age groups at swim meets are: 8 & under, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14 and 15-18 for both boys and girls. Relays events are 8 & under, 10 & under, 12 & under, 14 & under and 18 & under.
- Events: Swim meet events are in freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly, individual medleys and relays. The coach places swimmers in the events depending on ability and past performance times.
- Relay Times: The coach will decide upon members for freestyle and medley relays. It is not always feasible for a swimmer to swim within his/her age group when putting together relay teams. Please remember that the coach will do what is best for the team and not necessarily what you think is best for the individual. Please respect and support the coach’s decision.
- Officials: Officials include director, announcer, referee, starter, timer, stroke & turn judges, place judges and safety officer. PST will pay the registration fees that USS requires as a team expense. These volunteers provide a great service to our team and are a necessary part of the swim program.
- Disqualifications: Stroke and turn judges are at the sides of the pool during competition in each event. If a swimmer does a stroke/kick incorrectly and/or performs any other violation determined by OSI regulations, the swimmer will be disqualified from that event.
- Home Meets: As host team, we are responsible for planning and executing the entire meet. Volunteers will be needed for preparation, clean-up, concessions, food donations, and meet officials (timers, ribbons, clean-up, etc.) All parents are required to help during our home meet. Many workers make the job go much faster and we can all get done sooner. Thank you for your support!!
- Away Meets: Away meets run between Friday evening and Sunday afternoon. Many of the team families use tents or campers to camp out in the parks next to the pools. Others stay in motels or with friends and relatives. Please feel free to ask fellow parents for ideas on where to stay in each town.